October 5, 2013

rad gratitude day#16

Well today was definitely the most fun I've ever had running. It was a 5km run, put on by Color Me Rad  and I can't wait to do it again next year. As you're running you get cheered along, blasted with colour, motivated by high fives and when you cross the finish line the field turns into a giant dance party where colour rains upon you. It was a giant love fest and so much fun that it felt like the easiest 5 km I've ever run. I'm still wearing my rad tattoo because that's just how I roll.
Three things I'm grateful for today would be:
  • Having such a fun time running with my amazing friend Tricia - who I was so proud of for clocking in 5 km in 31 minutes when she hardly ever runs! How rad is that?
  • wonderful messages of friendship from my little work family
  • my daughter having her most consistently happy day from start to finish that we've ever witnessed

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