October 10, 2013

gratitude day#21

Today is the final day of the gratitude challenge. I hope that you attempted it and found it helpful. I honestly am going to keep it up on paper, because I've noticed how great I feel at the end of each day recapping the best moments- it really helps you reframe how you think of things. It honestly makes me feel really lucky for all the quality people I am continuously surrounded by.

Here's today's top three standout moments for me:

  • Seeing this little face wave at me when I pull into the driveway and throw herself into my arms. Best greeter ever.
  • breaking bad - we've almost caught up - only two episodes left- I think I've been dragging it out because I don't want it to end.  The episode we saw tonight, was some of the most brilliantly acted television I've ever seen. Bryan Cranston is a genius in tighty whities.
  • time to exercise - the endorphin rush at the end is worth every drop of sweat.

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