October 15, 2011

8 months pregnant - another photo for the fridge

This photo was taken on Wednesday after our fifth ultrasound. I love any chance we get to see the baby moving around inside. This time the technician told us that the baby had turned head down. (Yay!) This means instead of lying transverse (horizontally) across my belly, the baby is now vertical, which is what we were hoping for. Now that the baby has turned, I've never felt so much movement. I think the baby is liberated with their new space. It's pretty exciting. Sometimes we just lie there and watch the belly show - you can see feet kick and huge waves move across my skin. I find it more entertaining than anything on   TV these days. I never thought I'd enjoy pregnancy as much as I am. I feel like this baby has given us the greatest gift. Now if they can just miraculously appear in our arms without the whole pesky labour side of things, that would be the best.

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