September 1, 2011

Fairhaven, Washington

Just over half an hour south of the Peace Arch Border, you'll find Fairhaven, Washington. It's a great place to spend the afternoon walking around checking out a wonderful variety of stores, coffee shops and delicious restaurants. I cannot do malls. The artificial lighting and Muzak combo do my head in. I prefer spending an afternoon walking outside in the fresh air and popping into shops that I like the look of. We had delicious tea and snacks at Tony's, stocked up on some things for the baby room at Wild Blueberries and fell in love with Village Books.  There's even a great REI outlet five minutes away. I highly recommend Fairhaven for a fun afternoon.


Anthony said...

Back in the early 90s, long before I gave up eating in restaurants, we went down there a few times for really good Mexican food at a place called Dos Padres. I think that was the name. I don't know if it still exists or not or if the same folks would be running it even if it does, but it might be worth checking out sometime if you're into such things.

kelly said...

Tony, it's funny that you say that. We used to make specific trips there for Dos Padres too! We never used to walk around the surrounding town though. The restaurant is still there but we didn't stay for lunch or we would have popped in for sure to see if it's still as good as we remember.

Winty said...

It's not.