May 27, 2011

love is all around

I had a great evening in the city catching up with one of my dear friends. While there, her partner was telling me how utterly happy she was at this moment in her life - deeply in love, a wonderful circle of friends, baby on the way - it really made me so thrilled to hear her speak about how she was exactly where she needed to be at moment in time. On the way home, I got an email from my Aunt, telling me how happy she was to have found love, a love full of kindness and thoughtfulness at 65. It is something I always dreamed of for her, and to hear her carry such a happy heart around fills me right up. I arrived home feeling so much joy just knowing that those I care about are in such a great place in their hearts. It made me think, as long drives often do, about my friends who are single. It is wise to protect your heart, up to a point, but when you find someone you really cherish, admire, respect and thoroughly enjoy being with, take a chance. Life is short and I think we are truly meant to connect fully with another, to show them our whole selves, give them our whole heart. Sure, it's risky, but it brings such a wonderful peace when you place your heart in the right hands. Don't sell yourself short of what you are deserving of. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kelly.