June 16, 2012

an act of kindness

Last night I was unloading my little girl from our truck and her "I never travel light" crapload of gear and managed to inadvertently drop my wallet on the city street outside my friend's apartment building downtown. I didn't notice that my wallet was missing until I got into my friend's apartment. Searching the diaper bag, which seemed to take half an hour (are they designed to be bottomless?) - I came up empty. I started to panic a bit and after checking the truck, realized that my wallet was indeed missing. When my hubby got home there was a message on our machine (yes, we still have an actual answering machine) saying someone had called regarding our Mastercard. The really strange thing was that I also had an email (in my hotmail account) from someone who had found my wallet. I was completely dumbfounded as to how this person could have discovered my email address because it isn't something I carry around in my wallet. I called him right away. Luckily, he lived downtown and was a short drive away. One of my friends came with me to pick up the wallet (just to be on the safe side), and to see if he was cute (he was). We gave him what cash we had as a thank you. He said he had searched my name, came across my blog (which has my email address) and sent me an email. He had called my credit card company to let them know in case I call, my credit card was safe and sound with him. Isn't that remarkable? I was so amazed by his resourcefulness. His name is Sammy and I am so thankful and inspired by his act of kindness. I've even adopted his name as an expression when things go right. Late last night when I had to catch the Canada Line and make my connection with the bus, I made it within one minute to spare and thought, it's a Sammy kind of day.

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