January 20, 2012

Funny Fridays: Yay, it's wine o'clock!

Happy Friday!  I hope you have a great weekend lined up! Stella has started smiling a lot these past few days, so of course I am shamelessly using her photos on yet another blog posting. I like how in the top photo she looks like she is really mulling over something (naturally hilarious) that I said before she belts out laughing in confirmation that yes, indeed, her mom is absolutely hilarious. I think the funniest moment I had today was spooning out instant coffee into one of Stella's bottles. Oh the hilarity that would have ensued had I given it to her by mistake. Craig looked at me in complete fear as I happily spooned out my coffee into her bottle whilst chatting with him. It's official: I have booked my ticket to OZ in search of a brain.

Here are a few funny finds around the web to get you giggling......
Have you seen this fresh stand up by Demetri Martin?
I think it is such a hilarious concept: Get people drunk and film them talking about key points in history. Check it out here.
Remember this little girl? What a day we'd have if we all started it out like this! 
I think this moment was the funniest bit at the Golden Globes last weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOve, Love. LOVE these two photos!!! They make my day!
Lu and bump