April 22, 2014

Aha you say!

I seriously love these sunny nights where we check out parks and playgrounds in the area after dinner. I think we have just as much fun climbing and playing as she does. Here are a few AHA moments that I had over the weekend: 

  • Teach your daughters to stand on their own two feet - encourage their intellect, their earning power, teach them how to drive - show them how important independence is so that they have choices in this life. Give them this gift so that they never, ever stay in a bad situation because they are scared to be self sufficient. I've seen this too much lately and it really breaks my heart. 
  • do something kind for someone else because nothing will make you feel better, faster.
  • Friendship is the best foundation for romance. I know that very sentence pretty much oozes sex appeal doesn't it? But seriously, all of the couples I know who are rocking it lately, are the ones who love hanging out with their partner - who share the same idea of fun and look forward to spending time together. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to be glued at the hip, but I like to think, if anything big/small happened in your day, they'd be the one you want to call first. And to be honest, these are the couples who I enjoy spending time with the most, because you can just sense their ease with one another, their mutual adoration. There has got to be a similar sense of humour (for the hard times, because no one is immune to hard times), some common interests (so you are both enjoying your time together), and a similar outlook of what you want out of life (be on the same page). Over dinner last week, friends and I were summarizing it as that person you could do a big road with in a winnebago (or some other confined space) and not want to toss them out the window. 
  • life happens one moment at a time. No matter how difficult/overwhelming/anxious/insert your personal challenge here/ it all happens one breath at a time. And it's not until you get hit with something really big, do you realize how much time/energy is wasted on things that don't matter. 
  • No matter how tired you are, how much your day has worn you out and you are dying to sit down, get moving. Just getting out for a walk each night gives you a boost like nothing else. It's been our mantra and it works - every. single. time.
  • And last but not least, well okay, this is the least important, but listen up: nobody, and I mean nobody looks cool taking a photo using an Ipad. Grab a camera or use your phone. Holding the equivalence of a mini-laptop in the air whilst casting a massive black square shadow on your photo subjects looks nothing short of ridiculous. In my books, it conjures up the same emotions as when I see people travelling around on Segways.

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