September 27, 2012

look alikes

My hubby has been told by some that he looks like Liam Neeson. Do you see it?

At university, some people called me Scully, after Gillian Anderson on X-Files. I don't see much of a resemblance. I am pretty sure the comparison was because we had a similar haircut with red hair.

Don't you think Nicole Scherzinger (of the Pussycat Dolls) and Kim Kardashian look alike? I promise that is the only time you will ever read their names on my blog.

To me, this is just a win-win situation. Doesn't Grey's Anatomy's Jeffrey Dean Morgan look a lot like Javier Bardem? But Javier has that voice. I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?

Have you ever been told you look like a celebrity? It's usually quite flattering, since most of Hollywood is littered with beautiful people. Okay, maybe if you were told you looked like Steve Buscemi you wouldn't be as thrilled....Who's your famous twin?

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