May 4, 2012

catching up

Oh hi! It's been awhile since I have put pen to paper, or I guess, finger to keyboard. In April I took some time off from writing and participated in Fat Mum Slim's april photo a day challenge. She posts a photo challenge to her website every month. I highly recommend trying it. It's a great creative way to trigger your shutter finger. I was going to say it's a great way to get your creative juices flowing, but the phrase "juices flowing" sounds kind of gross, as if creativity is somehow running down your leg.
But I digress. 
How have you been?
Baby girl has just passed the four month mark and I have to say, I have finally found the formula that works for us. Aside from drinking copious amounts of coffee, I make sure each day has some sort of social activity(sanity!), fitness activity(highly necessary since I have misplaced my waistline somewhere, please let me know if you find it) and an outing. As much as I love my sweet little house, if I stare at it day in day out, all I do is notice everything wrong with aforementioned sweet little house, so getting out each day is essential. And after too much time at home, I start to chat a little too much to the baby, cat and dog and pause as if for a response (scary!). One of the best things we did is join a local group of new moms. We meet once a week for a planned outing. It's such a great way to bounce questions off one another, lean on each other for support and to get the kids (and moms) socializing. We also keep a facebook group page to toss questions to one another before our next meet up. Support is key for any new parent. Everyone has their own arsenal of adjustments to make. Some new parents suffer from sleep deprivation, breastfeeding issues, loneliness, relationship adjustments or just major lifestyle upheavals. The more you can lean on people and tap into your shared rewards and grievances, the easier it all becomes. 
That all being said, I'm getting out of town. I have been invited away this weekend with a group of friends. It feels entirely too soon to be apart from my little girl, but I know she's in good hands with her dad. I am only going for one night even though everyone else is going for two (baby steps!) and have already packed my photo album (to undoubtedly cry over at night). But I know some time quality time with friends will do me a world of good and I will come back refreshed (hungover?). I hope you have a great weekend! 


Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog... thanks for sharing a piece of your life :). --Janine

kelly said...

Thank you so much Janine!