June 3, 2011

girls night in

One of my friends just moved into a gorgeous new condo in North Vancouver with an amazing view of the North shore mountains. I love it when the girls all get together, the conversation flows to great depths. They were also kind enough to order in pasta for us carb-loading preggo girls. I think my favourite little nugget of wisdom that I walked away with tonight was when one of my friends talked about how everyone has their own little bundle that they carry - their own bundle of worries/anxieties/stresses, etc. Everyone's bundle is the same size, but what it contains is entirely different. One person's bundle might be that their child is battling an illness, one person's bundle might be that they are worried that with the recent loss of their job they can't feed their family, while one person's bundle might be that they afraid of germs, or one person's bundle might be that they don't feel they have many friends - each person's unique worries/anxieties feels enormous to them, but might roll off the back of another. I love how everyone is so different. The best part is, the more we share our stories and struggles, the more we realize that we're all the same - humans just trying the best we can with what we have been equipped with. We know a lot of our own personal fears or worries often aren't rooted in reality, they are transposed by what story we've come to believe about ourselves. For example, one of my greatest fears is when work people invite me out for drinks. I am petrified that I won't have anything funny/interesting to chat with them about and eventually I'll just be sitting on my own. This isn't based on any past experience or fact, but it scares me enough to back out of going. The ironic thing is that when I do go, I always have a great time, it's just the getting there that can be the hard part. The good thing is that I've noticed a huge shift in perspective lately. I have always wanted to be a mom and now that my dreams are feeling more attainable with this pregnancy, I find that little things that used to worry me or bother me have completely fallen to the wayside. I feel grounded and excited that my goals are finally coming into fruition. It's like when you're on the right path, you see things more clearly and priorities fall right into place. Now the "bundle" that I carry around is just hoping for a healthy pregnancy, and that's a bundle I'm happy to tote. Goodnight sweet friends!

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