November 18, 2014


These three little loves have been best of friends since they were babies. They are completely different from one another, and yet compliment each other beautifully. My daughter thinks about them continuously with questions like, "Mom, do you think Emlyn would also like this book?" "Do you think Nyah would like this show?" "Mom, do you love your friends like I love Emlyn and Nyah?"
She talks about them most nights when I tuck her into bed. I'm still really close to my childhood friends and wish nothing more than these three little ones remaining in each other's lives.
With all the visits I've been lucky enough to witness between mom and her lifelong friends lately, there's something extraordinary about people sharing stories and hilarious events from your history, to make your life seem like a beautiful continuum instead of specific, succinct chapters. I've heard so many incredible stories from mom's friends, about when she was young, and some of the antics she got up to; stories she never would have told me. I eat these stories up like candy because they are letting me see my mom in a whole new, edgier way.
I honestly believe our wealth is in our relationships, surrounding ourselves with those who bring us joy and nurturing those bonds so they last us throughout our stories. xoxo

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