November 1, 2011

Happy Movember!

Happy Movember! This year at our office, a wonderful collection of men are putting their money where their upper lips are. They are growing some sweet staches to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer. A prostate exam, which takes a mere couple of minutes, is of those check ups that so many men put off for fear of their own discomfort. But if detected early, prostate cancer can have a highly curable rate. I repeat, IF IT IS CAUGHT EARLY. So while women endure invasive annual physicals year after year, let's encourage and support our men to make Movember the month they get screened.
This is a photo that I keep on our fridge. My dad (sitting next to me on the left) is rocking his 70's moustache. (Worth noting, he still balks at any current trends and sports the same moustache today). The Mo-sisters at work raised hundreds of dollars for prostate cancer to nominate specific co-workers to enter the contest. I can't wait to see how their lip foliage grows.

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