August 17, 2010

August Break - check in

I've just past the halfway point of the August Break. It has been a lot more challenging than I first anticipated. It sounds easy enough - just blog photos daily and submit up to four photos a day to the August Break flickr group. No rules. For myself, as a challenge, I wanted to keep the process organic and take fresh photos daily. I realize that with the busyness of life - commuting, working, cooking, working out, socializing....sometimes it takes some sleep deprivation to keep on top of things. But so far, so good. One thing I have loved about this process is that I am always scanning my environment for the unique, the beautiful. The process keeps me in the moment and keeps me on my toes. I am having so much fun going through all the photos of the 400+ photographers participating in the project. I think in the next half I will try to take more portraits of friends/family/strangers to help push through some camera-shyness, or let's face it, overall shyness. There are many photographers who belong to 365 groups on Flickr - pools designed to keep you shooting everyday - all year. That might be a good 2011 project. WE WILL SEE. But for now, I'll just tackle August. xo

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