July 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend lined up! I had lovely afternoon catching up with friends today. The three of us haven't been together in 10 years! Of course as soon as we were together, it felt like we just had seen each other yesterday. Isn't it amazing when you can just pick right up where you left off? Tomorrow we're celebrating a friend's birthday over a delicious Indian meal(my absolutely favourite!). The way to my heart (and hips apparently) is naan.  What's your favourite kind of cuisine?
My little bean turned 7 months this week. I've never known time to fly by so quickly. I wish I could slow it down (except for when she's teething - sweet mother!). Each month I take a photo of her in the same chair to capture her rapid changes. Click here to see months 1-5 and here for 6.
Have a great weekend lovelies!

1 comment:

Dan said...


What a sweet baby ! シ
I guess her smile makes everybody in the room smile.
Take care of "your little bean".