August 16, 2016

Hornby Island, B.C.

I'm a huge fan of B.C.'s Gulf Islands - there's something so utterly charming about the way people live - the pace, the natural beauty, the roadside stands full of beautiful flowers or farm fresh veggies...
We spent four days camping on Hornby Island and it quickly won me over. Here are a few images from our getaway:

They wanted to help build the campfire....but I think they might have mixed it up with Jenga because it's looking like they're building a four alarm blaze.
These moments  are what it's all about.
Early morning reading
This photographer had heart palpitations during the making of this photo.
Who's a cutie?
Tribune Bay

Breakfast outside, campstove coffee and these two - heaven.

The beautiful bluffs at Helliwell Provincial Park. Helligreat.
Cardboard House Bakery: Delicious food within a parklike setting with a giant bike rack for people to come gather on their travels. I couldn't recommend this island more. xo


Unknown said...

Had my first camping trip ever on this island on the back of a motorcycle 27 years ago. It was one of my best memories with the boyfriend who is now my husband all these years later. Thanks for the memories this morning. Nice to see it is still the lovely place it was so many years ago.

kelly said...

Thanks so much for the comment Danielle! So nice to see your lovely face pop up!!!
What a sweet memory of you two lovebirds!