November 19, 2010

The Girl Effect

I can't watch the video above without tearing up. It's the image of all of these hands, grabbing at a little girl, removing all control from her life that does me in. Not only does the video remind me of how truly lucky I am to be born in Canada, but it puts a fire in me to make a difference.

Let's do something.

We all are holding these lottery tickets. We were born into countries where we are privileged to receive education. We have opportunities. We have choices. We have freedoms. We have rights.
We go about our daily lives, caught up in our own stories, but don't often think about the other side of the world.
Think of the 600 million girls living in developing countries right now. If they don't have education to back them up, chances are high that they'll be married off before they are 18.  Then there's the staggering statistic that medical complications from pregnancy are the leading cause of death for girls between 15-19. 70% of the world's school dropouts are girls. But this cycle can be broken.  Research shows that when girls receive an education, they marry later, they stay healthy and HIV negative, they have fewer children and have them later in life, they earn wages, put money back into their family and their children have higher survival rates.....

Let's do something.

Click here to find out how you can easily donate to help break the cycle.

For more information, please check out this website: The Girl Effect

This is just one girl's story, but I think it speaks for millions......


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for jumping into the Girl Effect blogging campaign - it's wonderful to have your voice included here.
That lottery ticket analogy speaks to me too. When we realize it's just luck to be born into a life with access to food, shelter, basic human right, I think our hearts are stirred to more action and compassion.
Please spread the word and encourage others to add their own posts to the mix, and thanks again!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

So grateful to be a part of this with change agents like YOU.

Here is my poem to inspire those of us working with the girl effect today.