September 28, 2012

Happy Friday!

Oh hi! Happy Friday to all you lovely people. What are you doing with your weekend? I'm baching it with little miss tonight. After a busy day of dancing in tutus with friends, she's asleep. I have my feet up, a glass of wine poured and a Joaquin Phoenix film queued up. Bliss.

Here are a few things from the interweb this week....
Would you trust a driverless car?
What do you think of this? Vancouver is banning smoking for homeowners in this condo building. Do you think the decision is revolutionary or an infringement of rights?
I am loving the cast in this film
Have you heard this artist's remake of Britney Spears' Toxic? So fresh.
What's your take on the bootie, love or hate? I still favour this look.
one of my friends had us laughing in the dark with this clever product
the always funny amy poehler on parenthood
Thinking of travelling in October? Here are some suggestions from Lonely Planet

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